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《下一战歌手》开播 凡希亚想挑战中国风 The show Next Singer has premiered,Faouzia wants to challenge herself with Chine

更新时间:2024-08-31 20:16  浏览量:18

湖南日报·新湖南客户端8月31日讯(记者 冯宇轩 实习生邓湘军)8月30日晚,由湖南卫视、芒果TV共同制作的全开麦直播音乐竞演节目《下一战歌手》将开启首场直播竞演。艾热、白举纲、戴荃、李玖哲、李佩玲、斯丹曼簇六位新声歌手将向那英、凡希亚(Faouzia)两位标杆歌手发起挑战。《下一战歌手》将延续《歌手2024》“直播真唱不修音”的标准,24组新声歌手将展开多轮直播竞演,与标杆歌手对标开唱,最终优胜者将获得《歌手2025》的首发资格。

On the evening of August 30, the first live music competition of the show Next Singer, produced by Hunan TV and Mango TV, will begin its live broadcast. Six emerging singers—Ai Re(AIR), Bai Jugang(Pax Congo), Dai Quan, Li Jiuzhe(Nicky Lee), Li Peiling(Jeryl Lee), and Sidan Mancu(Mamcu Grand)—will challenge two standard singers, Na Ying and Faouzia Ouihya.The Next Singer will follow the standards set by Singer 2024, with a "live singing without pitch correction" format. 24 emerging singers will compete over multiple rounds of live performances against the standard singers, with the ultimate winner earning a spot as the opening act in Singer 2025.

《下一战歌手》首期节目中,那英将拿出她“情歌杀手锏”,重新唱响26年前的老歌《相见不如怀念》,加拿大籍摩洛哥裔女歌手凡希亚(Faouzia)也带来代表作《Tears of Gold》。除了华语流行音乐,歌手们带来了各具特色的中国风音乐,来自新疆喀什的说唱歌手艾热带来经典作品《第一回合》呈现了令人眼前一亮的新疆文化元素;同样热衷于传播中国传统文化的还有歌手戴荃,他献唱的代表作《悟空》与最近备受关注的网络游戏《黑神话:悟空》创作灵感都是源自中国《西游记》;来自四川阿坝州的歌手斯丹曼簇更是深情演唱了原创歌曲《有你不散》将中国藏族音乐融入其中。

In the first episode of Next Singer, Na Ying showcased her "most adept love song" from 26 years ago, Better in Memory Than Meeting. Moroccan-Canadian singer Faouzia Ouihya also performed her hit song Tears of Gold. Alongside Chinese pop music, the singers will bring a variety of uniquely Chinese-style music. Rapper AIR from Kashgar, Xinjiang, will perform his classic track First Round, showcasing striking cultural elements of Xinjiang. Singer Dai Quan, also passionate about spreading traditional Chinese culture, will perform his signature song Wu Kong, which shares its inspiration from the Chinese classic Journey to the West with the popular video game Black Myth: Wukong. Additionally, singer Mamcu Grand from Sichuan's Aba will perform her heartfelt original song Unending With You, blending Xizang music into her performance.


After the live performance, the singers participated in a group interview with the press. Rising international star Faouzia Ouihya said, "I find Chinese-style music fascinating, with its beautiful scales, notes, and tones. So, this will be my next challenge. I will put in my best effort to set a standard in this program, rather than treating it as just a competition."