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说唱歌手 Fatman Scoop 在表演中途倒在舞台上后去世,享年 53 岁

更新时间:2024-09-02 17:12  浏览量:12

说唱歌手Fatman Scoop在舞台上遭遇医疗突发情况后去世,享年53岁。

周五,这位真名为艾萨克·弗里曼三世(Isaac Freeman III)的艺术家在康涅狄格州哈姆登镇中心公园的舞台上晕倒,被紧急送往医院。




Terrible news. I saw the article earlier and was hoping for the best. He was a great entertainer and brought great energy to his songs and those that he featured in. His song Love Like This also brings back great memories for me. I used to love the music video!

可怕的消息。我之前看到了那篇文章,希望能有最好的结果。他是一个伟大的艺人,给他的歌曲和他的特色带来了巨大的能量。他的歌曲《Love Like This》也给我带来了美好的回忆。我以前很喜欢那首mv !

I didn't know him personally, nor did I follow his music. Regardless, he was a fellow human on his life journey. He brought entertainment and joy to other people who will miss his presence. May he rest in peace.


I was such a big fan of his when Be Faithful came out and I was lucky enough to see him live a couple years back. Amazing entertainer and I’m sure he will be sadly missed by his fans and loved ones. Rest in peace.

当《Be Faithful》问世时,我是他的超级粉丝,几年前我很幸运地看到了他的现场演出。他是一位了不起的艺人,我相信他的粉丝和亲人会非常想念他的。愿你安息。

London June 2003 - A surprise birthday weekend organised by a friend with no expense spared. Our group partied a little too hard. We were booked into a 5 star hotel, at breakfast on our last day Fatman scoop & his manager were at the table next to us. He warmly said good morning & to enjoy our day ahead “keep it good ma’am” as he was leaving. No arrogance or ego.. just sincere politeness to strangers. Condolences to those that cherished him.

2003年6月,伦敦——由朋友组织的一个惊喜的生日周末,花了很多钱。我们这群人玩得有点过火了。我们预定了一家五星级酒店,在我们最后一天的早餐时,Fatman scoop和他的经理坐在我们旁边的桌子上。当他离开时,他热情地说了声早上好,祝我们未来的一天过得愉快。没有傲慢和自我。对陌生人真诚的礼貌。向那些珍惜他的人表示哀悼。

(来源:Daily Mail)